Navigating the special education system can be a daunting task for parents of neurodivergent and twice-exceptional children.
Read MoreIt’s another chance to ask your questions in our Facebook group and hear the answers from Emily.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be profoundly gifted, and how can we help people who fit this profile?
Read MoreNon-verbal intelligence is hard to measure in a highly language-based world.
Read MoreWhat is intelligence? Is it really more than IQ? If so, what?
Read MoreWhat is processing speed, and why is it important? Why does it vary from child to child?
Read MoreTwice-Exceptionality is a relatively new concept. What have we learned about successfully identifying 2e kids?
Read MoreWhat are the factors that influence depression? What should we watch for to know if a child is moving toward suicide? How do we talk with them about it?
Read MoreWhy do people suddenly forget they’re gifted when they graduate?
Read MoreGifted kids are often ready to start school before their neurotypical peers.
Read MoreGiftedness isn’t only about intelligence. It’s… complicated.
Read MoreWe talk with Marc Smolowitz, who is directing a movie about gifted and talented people called “The G Word.”
Read MoreWe attempt to separate fact from fiction in the areas of education, giftedness and intelligence.
Read MoreTwice-exceptional kids have challenges beyond just giftedness, so they often require educational resources schools don’t have.
Read MoreHow can we help instill qualities like tenacity and grit into our gifted children?
Read MoreIs it time to reconsider how we think of, and evaluate, intelligence?
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