What do we really understand about ADHD, and how could a fresh perspective help our kids?
Read MoreThe transition to higher education can be a struggle for autistic and otherwise-neurodivergent students but some schools (like Marquette) are developing programs to help.
Read MoreAn encore presentation - Lisa, the mother of a twice-exceptional son who completed suicide, tells her story.
Read MoreAn encore presentation. What are the factors that influence depression? What should we watch for to know if a child is moving toward suicide? How do we talk with them about it?
Read MoreSpecial Series, Part One is a reprise of an episode that was originally published August 21, 2019.
Read MoreA comprehensive resource for educators, administrators, and even parents, for teaching 2e learners.
Read MoreA discussion about homeschooling and inspiring confidence and resilience in neurodivergent kids.
Read MoreWhere do gifted and 2e people fit within the neurodiversity movement?
Read MoreQuestioning yourself, and wondering if you deserve to be where you are. There’s a name for it.
Read MoreThe theme this week is creativity, featuring segments of conversations with past guests.
Read MoreWith executive function issues, small adjustments to parenting and teaching can make a big difference.
Read MoreWe look at the process of autism evaluation for gifted kids.
Read MoreNeurodivergent people often see things in more existential terms.
Read MoreWhat is the impact of the neurodiversity movement on the gifted community?
Read MoreBefore twice-exceptionality had a name, it had an advocate. She is Dr. Susan Baum.
Read MoreGiftedness and twice-exceptionality are equally prevalent across all cultures, yet people of color are less often identified as gifted, and much less often identified as 2e.
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