Episode 90: Neurodiversity at University - The Transition to College

How is college different from high school for neurodivergent students? There’s almost no comparison, and that makes the transition difficult for many. Elizabeth Hamblet is a specialist who helps neurodivergent people make decisions and successfully enter the higher education world. Emily talks with Elizabeth about the big move on episode 90.


Elizabeth C. Hamblet is the author of From High School to College: Steps to Success for Students with Disabilities, published by the Council for Exceptional Children, and a laminated guide on college transition, available from National Professional Resources.

Elizabeth has worked both ends of the college transition, beginning her career as a high school special education teacher and then moving to the college level in the late 1990s. She is now at her third university, where she helps students with time management, organization, reading, and study skills. In 2008, Elizabeth began offering programs to families and professionals on transition to college for students with disabilities, speaking locally and at national conferences.

She’s also a contributing writer for Disability Compliance for Higher Education, a journal for higher education disability professionals, and her work has also appeared in the Journal of College Admission, Teaching Exceptional Children, ADDitude Magazine, Attention, Raising Teens, and Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, and on platforms like Understood.org and ADDitudemag.com.


Elizabeth’s website

Elizabeth’s book

LD Advisory on Facebook

Elizabeth on Twitter

LD Advisory on YouTube

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